When faced with an accident, sudden illness or death, information is critical in order to make important decisions or carry out final instructions. The Documents that are required may not be readily available, and this could create a huge legal obstacle in order for you or your family to take action. NRD NDR provides 24/7 access to help you deal with the financial, legal, and health issues when you may not be able to speak for yourself or need your family to care for you.

National Document Registry – Fast and Easy! Access Your Information 24/7!

Be In Control During Emergencies!

When you have an emergency and are left unable to manage your own healthcare and property it can be quite a challenge for you to receive assistance by your own family! National Document Registry is here to help! We are here to make sure your final wishes are respected. Our platform allows you to easily, safely and securely upload important documents such as your last will, your revocable trust, and your durable power of attorney, etc. so that your voice will be heard.

It works as easy as 1, 2, 3!​

Step 1

Create and activate your account.

After you register for your account, you will receive an email to verify the account.

(Please note that until your account is verified, it will not be active!)

Step 2

Upload your documents!

Once you upload your documents, you can easily access them anytime, anyplace!

Step 3

Stay connected to NDR!

Upon activating your account, NDR will send a card with your membership information as well as a link to NDR’s official app which will help you access your files at any time.

You can authorize your caregiver or family member(s) to access your account. This is vital especially if your information is needed should an emergency arise, to manage important matters on your behalf or to simply carry out your final wishes.

Easy to Create and Share

The registration is fast and easy. Just provide your basic information and start the upload of your documents. You will always be able to come back and update or replace documents with more recent ones. You will receive detailed instructions on how to access your documents right away. We will also immediately mail you a physical card to insert in your wallet that allows for an immediate access of your documents. Why? Because whenever you are in an emergency, your caregiver will go through your wallet for identification purposes and to find out if you have any information regarding your advance directives.


It only took a few minutes to sign up for National Documents Registry! I have been waiting for something like this for such a long time! The amount of time this will save me makes it well worth it. I’m glad I made my account and now my family members are signing up, too!
Brodie Rogers
As a lawyer, I think this is a great idea! So many of my clients do not remember where they put important documents such as wills and advance directories. It creates a lot of friction between family members unnecessarily because of the lack of communication and loss of documents. National Documents Registry solves this issue! I highly recommend this service to every client to make sure their wishes are met.
Julie Stephenson
National Documents Registry saves so much time because it quickly gives you access to important information about your loved ones during difficult times! It solves many problems and prevents family disputes during times of despair. Everyone should have an account to make sure that their final wishes are met.
Michele DeWitt
Patient Care Technician

Easy to Update

Need to update a document? No problem! Our platform is designed to allow you to replace or update any document at any time with just a few clicks! The information is immediately available to you or anyone authorized access to your account.

Easy to Delegate

Are you not very tech savvy? Is your computer acting up? Don’t worry! Our system allows you to grant permission to other people to upload for you! For example, you can grant access to your lawyer to upload information on your behalf! Simply share the account information with your lawyer’s staff and let them do the rest! NDR makes life simple so your life doesn’t have to be so complicated!

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Frequently Asked Questions
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During a crisis, time is extremely valuable! Then, if you add the cost of traveling, parking and copy fees, it can really add up! National Documents Registry membership fees are very affordable for this reason. For a limited time, you can get full access to our platform for five years for only $125! 

The documents you upload should be prepared by your legal advisor and are therefore legally valid in the state where they were created. Each state has varying requirements depending upon the purpose for which the documents are to be used.  If you upload your original documents, you will be able to have access to, retrieve and send exact, true and correct copies of whatever document you provided. No alterations or changes are made by National Documents Registry.

You don’t need to share your login information if you don’t want to. However, as part of your membership, we will send you a card which contains all of the necessary information and instructions to access your account. This will grant access to the people that need to obtain important documents on your behalf when you need it the most so that your wishes are met.

All of your Advanced
Directives can be made immediately available to your health care providers,
such as: your physicians, hospital, home health care providers, family
members, etc. and especially in an emergency when these documents can
become critically important. Documents available for this purpose include:


  • Emergency Contact Information,
  • Living Will,
  • Designation of Health Care Surrogate or Proxy,
  • Durable Medical Power of Attorney,
  • DNR (Do Not Resuscitate),
  • Physicians Orders For Life Sustaining Treatment,
  • Organ Donor,
  • Provisions for Home Health Care and Home Health Care
    Insurance Policy(ies).


In addition, with National Documents Registry, immediate access to your documents will be made available to any party you grant access to such as family members, attorneys, etc. Examples of these important Estate Planning Documents are as follows:

  • Last Will and Testament,
  • Revocable Trust,
  • Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney,
  • Irrevocable or Life Insurance Trust,
  • Supplemental or Special Needs Trust for your loved ones who may require public assistance,
  • Medicaid Trust,
  • Designation of Preneed Guardian,
  • Pre Need Funeral Arrangements and wishes,
  • Life Insurance Policy(ies),
  • Financial Contact Information.

Once you’ve created and activated your account, you can upload your documents at any time thereafter. If you do not have a scanner or do not have access to one, we suggest you try your local office supply store such as Staples, OfficeMax, FedEx, UPS Store, etc.


We also suggest that if your documents have been prepared by an attorney, that you grant access to the attorney immediately. This will allow the law firm representing you to scan and upload the documents to your registry as soon as possible so that the documents are current and easily accessible. 

Each person in your family will need their own account. We avoid creating joint accounts to keep everything safe and easy to access for each individual.

We use the highest security standards to keep your information private at all times. Your information will only be made available to people accessing your account with your log in or wallet card.

National Documents Registry was created to make accessing your information simple so that during times of crisis, your life won’t become even more complicated because of inaccessibility to your own information!

NDR was designed by attorneys working together with healthcare providers who understand how frustrating it can be to locate important documents for a client during an emergency, sudden illness or unexpected death. NDR’s platform was created to make this process easy, secure and fast!

NDR has taken into consideration the thousands of cases in which important documents were needed to manage a client’s healthcare and property as well as any other final instructions.

In addition to the information contained in your registry, which should include important advance directives and state planning documents, a list of important contacts should be added. This list should consist of your physicians, attorneys, agents and family members. This is an important part of your registry so that your needs are taken care of according to your own wishes. In the event of an emergency or unexpected death, anyone designated to make decisions for you, can do so.

Start Your Membership Today!