
Creating your National Advance Directory account is super easy and affordable. Our one time 5-year All Inclusive membership fee of $100 will give you full access to the benefits of the National Document Registry.


  • Includes:
  • Free Registration
  • Free Living Will and Designation of Health Care Surrogate


$ 19.99 (Regular price: $50)
  • Upload Advance Directives
  • Registration
  • Complete Emergency Contact Information including Health Care Providers and medical information for emergencies
  • Living Will
  • Designation of Health Care Surrogate or Proxy
  • Combined Document(s)
  • Durable Medical Power of Attorney
  • Durable Financial Power of Attorney
  • Final Wishes at to your healthcare
  • HIPPA Release Authority
  • Organ Donor Certification Document
  • POLST form (Physicians Orders for Life- Sustaining Treatment or similar instrument)
  • Designation of Pre Need Guardian
  • Durable Power of Attorney

All Inclusive

$ 49.99 (Regular price: $100)
  • Estate Planning (Wills and Trusts) + Advanced Directives
  • Last Will and Testament
  • Living Trust/Revocable Trust
  • Codicil(s) or Amendments to your Will and Trusts
  • Codicil(s) or Amendments to your Will and Trusts
  • Education or Separate Trusts or provisions for loved ones such as grandchildren or children
  • Life Insurance or Irrevocable Trust(s)
  • Special or Supplemental Needs Trusts and Arrangements
  • Medicaid or Veterans Benefits Trust
  • Gun Trust
  • Trust or Instructions for the care of your pet
  • Life Insurance Information
  • Pre Need Funeral Arrangements
  • Written Statement For Disposition of Personal Property outside of Will
  • Personal Statement or expression of final wishes;
  • Contact Information for family members, friends or others (e.g. clergy)
  • Instructions for Hospice Care
  • Original Document Location
  • Pre Nuptial Agreement
  • Personal Residence Trust
  • Life Estate Deed